Truth noun /truːθ/
The quality of being true. truth in - ‘There would seem to be some truth in what she says.’ / truth of -‘You cannot question the truth of his alibi.’
The real facts about a situation, event, or person. tell the truth - ‘He was telling the truth.’
Used to show or emphasize that something is true. ‘In truth we didn’t fear for her safety.’
A fact or principle that is thought to be true by most people. ‘The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.’
I consider that the basis of a good conversation, or a good debate, in addition to patience, curiosity, and respect for the interlocutor, is having the same definitions among the people who participate in a certain discussion. This is why, many times before I start writing, I enjoy looking for the most common definitions of the terms involved or of the subject or topic discussed.
So, what is ‘truth’? Is there only one, or are there several truths? What is the ultimate or absolute truth?
‘True’ adjective (comparative truer, superlative truest) is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as: 1. connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed; 2. real or exact, especially when this is different from how something seems 3. [usually before a noun] having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentioned 4. used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that something else is more important.
Furthermore, the same Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘Truth’ as: 1. [singular] the true facts about something, rather than the things that have been invented or guessed. 2. [uncountable] the quality or state of being based on fact 3. [countable] a fact that is believed by most people to be true (universal truths).
You might have heard the belief that there is only one truth and that only one particular person is in possession of it, or that there is only one truth but there are many ways to perceive it. There is also another concept that says that the truth itself is a belief accepted as being true by society, and the individuals who populate it.
As a child, just to remind you, childhood is that time when all comparisons begin and the unforgettable syntagm "mine is better than yours" is entrenched in one’s mind. You might also have heard “my truth is truer than yours" or “my truth is the truest." And who can argue with a child who has correctly used an adjective in a comparative and superlative way? Now, joking aside, is there such a thing as a truer truth, or the truest truth, or the absolute truth?
The absolute truth leaves nothing out; the absolute truth is composed of all truths. Since it is composed of all truths, if we leave one out, it will be nearly the absolute truth; it will be the absolute truth minus one and, therefore, not the absolute truth. Yet, from the perspective of linear physical reality, we can never ever have a panoptic view, or an utterly complete perspective on an object or an idea, but merely a point of view rather related to the energy we are in at the moment of observation than to the relative position we are observing the object from.
Because the absolute truth is composed of all truths, this means that all truths, all approaches, all opinions, and all perspectives are valid. There is a well-known story about a rabbi who was called upon to settle a dispute between two of his followers. The first man poured out his complaints to the rabbi, and when he finished, the rabbi said, “You’re right." Then it was the second one’s turn. When he finished, the rabbi said, “You’re also right." The rabbi’s wife, who had been listening to the conversation, said sceptically to her husband, “What do you mean, ‘You’re also right’? They can’t both be right!" The rabbi thought for a few moments and then replied, “You know, my dear, you’re also right.”
In the dream world we seem to live in, one chooses one thing at a time and might not always find it easy to choose all truths, even more considering that some truths may actually seem to contradict one another. But that does not make one right and one wrong; that makes both of them truths for the individuals expressing and exploring that particular truth. Belief produces the acceptance of existence, so what you believe is true for you. That is why you can believe what no one else thinks is true. It is true for you because it was made by you, and no contradiction appears.
Talking about contradiction, in logic, the law of non-contradiction (also known as the law of contradiction) states that contradictory propositions cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time. But even in logic, there is the term tautology, which is a formula or assertion that is true in every possible interpretation (Wittgenstein first applied the term to redundancies of propositional logic in 1921).
The willingness to begin to get a touch of the fact that all truths are true and that all truths are valid for the individuals choosing to create them takes the burden off one’s shoulders of having to convert everyone over to one’s truth. At the end of the day, it is a pointless effort to assume that “one’s truth is the only truth, and that is it,” for then one misses out on all the other options.
As long as one has the right to explore any truth, he or she wishes so can everyone else; their truth may not encompass one’s, but one’s can always continue to encompass theirs. Their truth may seem contradictory to one’s own, but they have their own thoughts, and they have the same right to explore that truth as well. Basically, detaching from the notion that a truth is the only way and replacing it with the notion that a truth is only one way can increase the acceptance of others and lead to much better communication between people, regardless of whether or not they can see eye to eye on a particular idea. Increasing the acceptance of others and better communication leads undoubtedly to greater unity since there is strength and unity in diversity.
Beginning to expand this version of the absolute truth to include all other truths can allow us to come face-to-face with people who say their truth is the only truth, their way is the only way, and still allow their way to be valid for them.
Your truth can be an alternative to their truth, which you validate, which is a reality for them to which they are entitled, but it is not your choice. You do not criticise it, you do not judge the other realities, you simply embody your own truth, as an alternative, as a statement to yourself, as a statement to the world, as a statement to those around you that this is possible, for it is.
Now, all that has been said above refers to the world of dreams, to the physical world of forms. These are the laws that rule the insane world we all made, yet they govern nothing and need not be broken, for chaotic laws are hardly meaningful. They should merely be looked upon and gone beyond.
The first law of chaos is that the truth is different for everyone. Like all earthly ideologies, this one maintains that each individual is a separate individual and has a different set of thoughts that set him apart from other individuals. This principle starts to develop from the belief that there is a hierarchy of illusions, where some are more valuable than others and therefore true. Each individual establishes this for himself and makes it true through his attack on what another values. And this is justified because the values differ, and those who hold them seem to be unlike, and therefore enemies.
From your one Self perspective, from God’s perspective, truth is. It can neither be lost, searched after, nor found. Still, it is there; it is always there within you, no matter where you are, but it is up to you to decide whether it is true or untrue, to recognise it or not. If you keep it hidden, you will stop believing in it since you have wrapped it in fear and kept it hidden. Under each foundation of fear on which you have erected your insane system of belief, the truth lies hidden. Yet you cannot know this, for by hiding the truth in fear, you see no reason to believe that the more you look at fear, the less you see it, and the clearer what it conceals becomes.
It is impossible to make the unknowing believe that they know because, in their opinion, this is not true. Yet it is true because God knows it. These are two fundamentally different perspectives on what "unknowing" entails. Unknowing is impossible to God. Thus, it is only a belief in something that does not exist, rather than a point of view at all. The unknowing simply have this belief, and because of it, they are mistaken about who they are. They have defined themselves as they were not created since their creation was but a certainty rather than a point of view. Uncertainty brought to certainty does not retain any conviction of reality.
Realising that only the truth is true and nothing else is true is what saves us. Even if you've heard this before, you might not have accepted all of it. Without the first, the second has no meaning, while without the second, the first is no longer true. There can be no opposite to truth. One cannot say or consider this enough. For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, the part of truth is false. And truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false.
Though this is the easiest to understand, it is the most subtle and obscure distinction. But not because it is hard to distinguish between the two, but because it is hidden beneath a wide range of choices or decisions that don't seem to be entirely your own. Thus, certain components of the truth seem to defy consistency, while they don't seem to be your own inconsistencies that you have brought up.
As God created you, you must remain unchangeable, with transitory states by definition false. And it encompasses all changes in feeling, all reactions, all changes of the body and the mind, and all changes in sensation, in all awareness, and in all responses. This is the all-inclusiveness that sets the truth apart from falsehood, and the false is kept apart from the truth, as what it is.
What would you like to see? The choice is given to you. Learn, though, and do not let your mind forget that you will always look upon that which you feel within. If you listen to your ego’s advice, if hatred takes root in your heart, you will see the world as something to be afraid of, grasped mercilessly by death's bony, sharp fingers. If you experience God's love within you, you will look out on a world of kindness, mercy, and of love.
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